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孙霖 副教授
信息来源: 党政办
发布时间: 2010-12-02 00:00
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孙霖,博士/副教授,浙江大学硕士研究生导师。主持和参与多个国家和省部级项目。主要研究方向为机器学习、计算机视觉、自然语言处理。论文发表于ICCV、AAAI、UbiComp、IEEE/ACM TASLP、IEEE TITS、NAACL, ICPR等一流国际会议和期刊,获授权发明专利十余项。指导学生在人工智能领域权威会议和期刊上发表高质量学术论文,指导多项国家/省级科研创新项目。欢迎致力于人工智能的同学加入CCAi(City College Ai)科研小组,联系邮箱 sunl@zucc.edu.cn



[11] Sun L#*, Wang J#, Zhang K, et al. RpBERT: A Text-image Relation Propagation-based BERT Model for Multimoda l NER[C]//AAAI, 2021.(CCF A)

[2] Sun L*, Wang J, Su Y, et al. RIVA: A Pre-trained Tweet Multimodal Model Based on Text-image Relation for Multimodal NER[C]//Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). 2020: 1852-1862.(CCF B)

[3] Sun L*, Sun Y, Ji F, et al. Joint Learning of Token Context and Span Feature for Span-Based Nested NER[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing(TASLP), 2020, 28: 2720-2730.(SCI收录,CCF B,中科院1区,IF=3.40)

[4] Zheng Z, Zhou M, Chen Y*, Huo M, Sun L, et al. A Fused Method of Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Warping for Road Anomalies Detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(TITS), 2020. (SCI收录,CCF B,中科院1区,IF=7.42)

[5] Sun L*, Zhang K, Sun Y, et al. ETIP: a lengthy nested NER problem for Chinese insurance policy analysis[J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2020.(SCI收录,CCF C,IF=1.51)

[6] Sun Y, Chen K, Sun L*, et al. Attention-based Deep Learning Model for Text Readability Evaluation[C]//2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2020: 1-8.(CCF C)

[7] Yu Z, Zheng X, Huang F*, Guo H, Sun L, et al. A framework based on sparse representation model for time series prediction in smart city[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2020, 15(1): 1-13.(SCI收录,CCF C,IF=1.28)

[8] Sun L#*, Zhang K#, Ji F, et al. Toi-CNN: A solution of information extraction on chinese insurance policy[C]//Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT), 2019: 174-181.(CCF C)

[9] Zheng Z, Zhou Y, Sun L*, et al. A RNN-Based Multi-factors Model for Repeat Consumption Prediction[C]//International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). Springer, 2018: 105-115.(CCF C)



[1] 陈董锴, 基于IMU的行人航迹推算与定位方法研究, 省创项目,2017

[2] 季福乐,用户听歌行为预测与画像研究, 国创项目, 2019

[3] 庄毓勋, 基于迁移学习的wifi指纹地图生成研究, 省创项目 2019

[4] 孙宇轩,多模态命名实体识别, 国创项目, 2020


1. 张凯. 国家奖学金,浙江省高校国家奖学金特别评审奖(全省十位),2019

2. 孙宇轩 国家奖学金,2020

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